The Window at the
White Cat is a mystery novel written by Mary Roberts Rinehart and was originally published in
1910. Jack Knox is an attorney in a city when a beautiful 19 year old
woman comes to his office to ask him to help her find her father who
is the state treasurer and has been missing. Because of her father’s
position, she doesn’t want it to go public. Jack gets a detective
to help him and there are mysterious happening from the start such as
footsteps at night after everybody has gone to bed and the
disappearance of objects and other people at night. Jack believes all
of this is tied together and is set on seeing to these
mysteries end.
is action throughout the book and the mysteries aren’t solved until
the last few chapters of the book. There is a little bit of romance
tied in, but enough to ruin the story. This is only the third book of
hers that I’ve read and am quickly becoming a fan. I highly
recommend this book if you want to read a mystery that is in the
public domain.
interested in reading this book, you can download it in various
e-book formats from the following sites:
& Noble:
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